World of Loam

Existence is tricky. Somewhere, across the vastness of space, time, and universes, there is a world called Loam.
Its inhabitants fought the odds and survived against a near planet wide extinction event, and now in the chaotic aftermath, survive and even thrive in the constantly shifting world left behind. The explosion that ended the old world, of which few precious remains survive, changed the fabric of reality around the planet giving way to magic. Reality is soft, yielding, and easy to manipulate so long as you know what threads to pull (or are unlucky enough to do so by mistake). This newfound mutability led to extremely rapid evolution, and an explosion in both sentient species, non sentient species, and things somewhere in the middle.
There are many things beyond understanding in Loam, things putting the people living there in greater danger than they could ever know. Ancient things. Hungry things. One doctor attempts to catalog everything about this strange new world, not for the benefit of anyone. Just to satisfy their own gnawing hunger.


The Time of Gods
Before Loam, before stars and planets, life and death, before anything- There were Monsters. Inconceivable beast gods not bound by laws of existence that had yet to be created. Driven solely by an all consuming need to devour, the endless cycle of consumtion and rebirth was inescapeable. That is, until things changed. Over eons and eons, reality became more solid around these beastgods of chaos. The first rule to solidify, that all things alive must die, broke the cycle of the gods. No longer able to be reborn, they slowly died out until only one remained, destined to starve alone in the cosmos. The rotting corpses of these gods broke down into the stardust that formed the universe and everything inside of it. Given enough time, particles originally belonging to one beastgod will narturally be drawn to eachother, creating deposites of godhood.
The Old World
After billions of years, life crawls it's way out of the seas of Loam, Eventually forming two distinct species of sentiant life; humans and the amphibious merfolk. The early days of their history are less important than the events that lead to their collapse- and the end of the world. The entire, singular, continent of Loam slowly was engulfed by one megacorporation and their corporate cities. LIVcorp dominated all sectors of life, as the singular mind behind every buisness and production line, there was no alternative. The companies massive growth funded a seemingly unending technological revolution, which in turn created massive demand for power. As the conventinal methods of fossil fuel dried up, LIVcorp started looking into a new, renewable energy source- a strange mineral deposite located deep under the heart of the megacity. The result of their experiments would be disastrous.
The Aftermath
The explosion killed the vast majority of life on Loam and turned the centre of the continent into a near uninhabitable wasteland, but perhaps the most important outcome was how it fundamentally broke reality. As the rules of existence became weaker, it became possible to weave the fabric of reality how you saw fit. This with came rapid evolution that would create the many weird and wonderfuly creatures and people that inhabit Loam. Life was hard and dangerous, but people find a way and civilizations slowly crafted themselves back together. Nearly all information from the Old World was lost during this time. Any remaining scraps are often hoarded as important religious artifacts.
Breaking Point
As magic grew more and more commonplace, the holes left in reality by its users became greater and greater. Bigger, more volatile spells became possible; strange, impossible phenomenon start happening as reality collapses inwards on itself. Life still flourishes at the end of reality, in many strange and wonderful forms that previously would not have been remotely possible.
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