The Seed


Three friends weekend getaway to the middle of nowhere to watch a once in a lifetime meteor shower is interupted when something crashes into the pool during the meteor shower. The three friends find themselves unknowingly at the centre of an alien invasion.


Alien invasion, body horror, pregnancy based body horror


Scare Factor: 1/5

It's just not scary. The movie fails to build any tension until all at once every one is vomiting black ooze with barely any build up. There are scenes that are clearly meant to build tension and suspence but the editing completely fails to make it scary. I did enjoy the two scenes where the alien was communicating/mind controlling the characters. None of the rest of the movie had that energy sadly.

Grossness: 2/5

The only thing going for this movie is the wet puppet. He's very cute, which was a weird choice given the plot. They went with really strong 'puppy' vibes for a gross alien that impregnates two of the three main characters. Unfortunately they do basically nothing with him, he barely moves at all. Why bother having a wet puppet if you aren't going to move it even a little bit? I've added one bonus point for a wet puppet but even that feels like too much. The few other effects in this movie don't make up for the rest of the movie

Good Time: 2/5

It's bad. The characters suck. The acting is questionable. It drags on and on. Even in terms of bad horror I found it boring more than anything. It is, however, fun to mock. I imagine I would have had more fun watching this with friends to laugh at how bad it is.

My Thoughts

The writing fully makes no sense at times. How did the old lady know about the invasion? Why does the main character(an adult) get forced into kissing a weird teen and seem to like it? Why give her a really old cell phone just for it to be effected by the same thing that took out the other girls new phones? Why did they spend a full hour of run time doing basically nothing? Given my experience with Shudder originals, I feel like they added extra scenes to hit a 90 minute run time. I have to imagine the time I've spent thinking about how I could fix this movie vastly outweights the amount of thought the writers put into it.

Final Rating

2/5 Axes